Original conversation wrtten on
Sat, Oct 19, 2019, 12:45 AM
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Below intereating Misc conversation with someone about the Bojack character.with a few changes made to it made on a Sat Oct 19, 2019
Me: "Do you feel like the Bojack character?"
Person writing in: :" So you were asking me if I related to the Bojack character. I suppose I do in some way. The show is about an anthromorphic horse, which I am obviously not. However, in the show, Bojack has already seen the highs in his life, and is now struggling to cope with what comes next."
Me: "so many people seem to feel that way it seems."
Person writing in: "I feel that way sometimes. I feel that my life is moving too fast, and I am going to miss out on many things if I don't act now."
Me: "Besides the unknown, is there anything very particular you are afraid of missing out on?"
(If you are an audience member reading this blog, feel free to put your own answer in the comments below)
Person writing in>" But it's difficult to say what things, and how do I get things I don't even know I am missing out on."
Me: "if you cannot imagine them, then why spend time worrying about missing out on them?"
Me: "of course There are millions of things you are missing out on right this second for misc reasons!.. most of it a blessing that you will never have to know about it."
Me: "When my wx left us, our world basically came to a grinding halt, and the world outside of our home, as we once knew it to be, ceased to exist. And off and on we have had to come to terms with not gtting to have that world anymore. We knew/know exactly what we were/are missing out on and everyday there are lots of things we know about that we often feel are too many obstacles in the way to get to do them, so we just find alternative ways of finding happines instead -- but it was amd even is on occassion often painful when we feel that sad disapointment when we kmow about things that we want but also know they are not a part of our journey right now... BUT but, at the same time, everyday we wake up and go to bed so completely grateful for what we did have and what we were allowed to do and recognizing how incredibly lucky we were. "
Me:" Even these days as we struggle to adjust again to some adjustments, its that gratitude for What We Do Have and realizing how Incredibly Lucky We Are Indeed for what We Do Have and for what We DO Get To Do that helps us."
Person writing in >"I think that is what my biggest regret will be when I get old. I didn't get the things I wanted, and now it's too late."
Me: "again, is there something in particular that you wanted?"
(If you are an audience member reading this blog, feel free to put your own answer in the comments below)
Me: "Too late? What makes something too late? Dont answer that. Instead consider this: how we give our minds permission to get stuck in mental traps. Because, In theory as long as you are still breathing or alive there is still a chance to do whatever it is you want (even if the chances are only 0.000000000001%) or even if what you might want might come about in a different way then you originally imagined.
There are several great stories of people who despite becoming completely paralyzed still accomplished so much::
1)Think Stephen Hawking.
2)Or watch: Breathe (2017 film) - Wikipedia
3)Or watch a few hours of this other guy whenever you think something isn't possible: The guy with no arms no legs who did what couldnt be done https://youtu.be/XB7r-1t9_RY"
(If you are an audience member reading this blog, feel free to add some of your own inspirational people that have inspired you to have hope in the comments below)
Person writing in> "So how about you tell me something, does "ediblegarden" have a double meaning that I am not picking up on?"
Me: " no double meaning that i can think of. I am trying to imagine how that could be an double meaning? I am a bit curious of what other meaning it could have??
The term 'edible garden dreamer' refers to our dream about converting our family's land into an edible oasis.
Over the years we have made small inroads from time to time, amd learned a fair amount through trial and error. Though we havent done as much of i would have liked in the last few years bc i have found it challenhing to overcome certain obstacles which include
One) difficulty being able to afford the particular plants/seeds/starts i would really like to get:/
Two)transportation issues
Three)a bunch of other misc obstacles
But the backyard does still have some misc unusual edible greens in the spring and summer."
To readers:.
If anyone would like to learn more about our garden please do feel free to follow along on our youtube channel and our particular blog on it. Sign up on www.patreon.com/KeE for a dollar a month to learn more.
Originally published Oct 2019
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