Sunday, August 4, 2019

My perspective on general male female differences about sensuality

Origibally Written july august 4 2019

Friend wrote: "Regarding your sensuality, I want to read your blog comments once competed. Sensuality is part of all of us. It may or may not include sexuality. For me, both are so very important. Many women tend to prefer the former and somewhat less so the later. So is that a hormonal difference, or are our brains wired differently? I don’t really know. Maybe it’s also because women feel vulnerable when opening up sexually. I would love your thoughts."

My response:

"In early college day, I used to thrive on the former exploring it in full amongst the dance & theatre community without ever having the latter pushed on me even though i was surrounded by both energies..  it was a beautiful world, &  a beautiful time.

As for whether i think its a hormonal thing that causes the differences.. mostly no, though i agree that the biological differences do play a part - i just dont agree in the same way that most people claim it does.

How men "view" sex, I think its almost entirely a cultural thing imposed upon males in our culture. 

Having seen kiddo grow up different then most of our culture and exposed to more wider variety of thoughts as he reads history & learns about the cultures and has been given far more exposure to body awarenss, i find it fascinating to see how different his mind works then the traditional male.

I have also occasionally met a male or two not brought up in the traditional western cultures or who in older years went on to explore other iseas and avenues of exploration of self and awareness. . Mostly spiritual stuff.. and i have found how different their minds tend to about sexuality.

For many of them, th sexual energy is important -- BUT NOT for sexual activity but to be utilized as a  creative & product energy.. i read some interesting articles how some men love exploring how to use that energy to help them with their projects..

I suspect that in a way it is wnxoruaged more for women to do that more then men.  Think belly dancing.. though its often thought of as a sexual dance.. its often taught to females  as a connection to female sensuality & one's core swxual energy but not as sex but as a powerful inner force from within.   So women dancees (NOT in ballet) are often taught about utilizing that energy of sensuality.

and some male artists are taught this too.  But in our standard culture, going back fo centures, it is different and is jut blatant sexuality that is forced upon young male minds..

But yes... on a biological level..women ARE far more vulnerable so yes..i do believe that awareness does make it harder on women to enjoy sexuality to the same degree as men unless they are in certain specific situations that they feel safe enough to fully explore that part...

But i do get the impression, that often many women who enjoy sex often dont get the full effect of getting to explore sensuality bc in many ways to exlore sensuality to its full effect takes a certain mindset thst few people either know about or even if they are lucky enough to know about it, few have the opportunity to explore it safely.

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