Saturday, June 22, 2019

compassion to the voice within that just wants to be heard andnunderstood and accepted and appreciated

7:58 am jun 2019

for me, responding is never a waste of my time.. responding is a beautiful thing.. opening the door to the beauty of communication..  wherewver i am at.. and if i just happened to be there at that moment in time..  esp if i am feeling a bit rebbellious or defensive perhaps if i  feeling attacked or unappreciated.   and i am needing to apprecaite and honor my own self..

writing, speaking up - it allows me to feel heard.. i have a deep need to feel heard and understood and accepted and appreciated . 

even if the other person cannot hear me, I feel more heard by me when i write -- so YES, i write a LOT

i suppose its really just mw writing to appreciating myself.. and when i send the message to you its my gift to you to allow you to hear the converation i am having with myself.. to give you insight and understanding of the story i am telling myself..

it is a gift to you and you can feel free to utilize the information or not..

i suppse some will think its all a bit narcissistic of me to want to hear and understand myself.. or even more that i think its a gift to you...for you..

but see heres the thing.  have you heard the phrase "information is power"..  if you know how i think it leaves me vulnerbale to you. 

me writing on and on and on.. or anorher person doing that to you.. when they do that, its basically them exposing their underbelly to you.

in the animal world, that is considerwd a form of submission

though i have heard somewhwre that it coyld be considered a form of passibe agressiveness, i see it is a form of attenlring to acknowledge pain.. 

and to send it as much compassion as i can..

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