Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are you disappointed with your spouse?

are you feeling a little bit disapointed with your own current spouse?

do you want someone who can verbally communicate?

I know you probably feel like you have tried communicating clearly with your spouse all your needs, but is it possible he/she has either a) not understood or b)is fumbling and cannot hear bc there is some need of her own she hasnt gotten met and doesnt know how to explain it?

I am Just a little bit curious about both sides of the story...

Do you think that person might be willing to read a book with you about communcation called nvc: language of life by rosenberg.

It saved my own marriage and added an extra ten special years until an extra complicated work and life situation got the better of us.

You can learn more about the book at

And yes, taking care of house, family, self IS an undervalued skill.

Sadly, you would not think much of my skills. I do keep everyone fed.

But all the rest of it, i struggle deeply with.

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