Friday, February 8, 2019

did you really want an ea$y divorce or seperation? how about an easy marriage?

the answer is the same in all cases

1) make people more important then stuff
2)communicate your fears in a way that reassures and respects the other persons fears
3)praxtice patience and acceptance so that you can control of at least one thing.. yourself
4)recognize the difference between needs vs strategies to get needs met.. ie needs vs wants  (example. you don't need to go to store. you need food. going to store is but ONE strategy to get a need for food)

but seriously.. if you are at your wits end and in a state of panic... just be willing to leave everything behind. do not make any STUFF you "owned" more important then the person you are wanting to leave. anything they dont want you can keep. but otherwise never tell the other person that they are valued as less then your stuff.

btw, if you do read this all the way through and appreciated my sharing these thoughts with you, will you please please subscribe and or follow along.  Please also write in a "hello" at the bottom of this, so that I know that you actually heard what I had to say.  I would appreciate it ever so much.  
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