Saturday, February 16, 2019

Are you trying to quit smoking?

Even though you do not smoke once an hour (more ot less) anymore you BODY still needs you to stop each hour to check in with itself. 
The reason why you smoked each time was because that was how many times amd when your body needed you to take a moemnt to take a break, relax, change lerspectibe for a moment and check in with yourself.
Just at the time, you chose to do that accomplish getting that meed met to take a break, change perspective, release any tensions with the help of a strategy of using cigarette.  But just because you got ride of the cigarette doesnt mean your body doesnt need checking in still.  So please.  Right when you think  you need a cigarette, please still go through the process of going outside or taking that break just as you would have to smoke or stoping for a moment to take a break like you would have only THIS time, do some breathing exercises..

  if BOTH you and your partner do this then you wont be releasing the tension out on each other.  But instead will do it an healthy way.

(I also suggest learning some acroyoga or some kind of partner breathing or partner yoga or even some tantric breathing to help you learn how to connect with each other in a tension releasing way that allows for better healthier  connection )

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