Sunday, May 27, 2018

Theory: Getting rid of hunger would get rid of violence?

What do you think of this theory:
"Getting rid of violence would get rid of hunger.."
lol, i meant to write: "getting rid of hunger would get rid of violence"
to be truthful, even though I often think it, I am not sure if I actually know if i agree with that.
Certainly when i am hungry is when i feel most resentful of "perceived injuries" around me.

When i am hungry or tired or lonely or hot or when i am not getting one of the six moat basic needs met, then I have much much less patience with others or the world around me or with frustrations or with anything really.

If we were to actually make sure to get everyone's needs met, then maybe violence would end?

if everyone had enough food to eat, they were at the right temperature, had enough sleep, had enough connection to others.  .ie. knew they mattered and were important and appreciated and accepted,
had enough stimulation, never felt excluded or shut out, that their opinions mattered and that they were cared about, felt SAFE,  
then maybe there would be a lot LESS, and maybe NO violence in this world?

what do you think?

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