Monday, August 28, 2017

in my opinion, no fault divorces should be illegal..

originally written july 29, 2017

in my opinion, divorce should be illegal! Especially these no fault divorces.
My lawyer said that somewhere in Europe they do a study showing how these no fault divorces really do children more harm then good.
I dont have the motivation right now to go and look up the actual data/statistics but if you do, please send me the links.  But you know what, even if you were to give me statistics saying otherwise I wouldn't believe it bc I've seen with my own eyes how harmful divorces are on kids. I've talked to dozens of people who grew up in divorced families and even if they "tout" oh how it was the best thing for them, I am sorry bit I am a body listener and what comes out their mouths and what their bodies say DONT MATCH UP.  If you watch closely at the microespressions and where and how their muscles flashback to the trauma of it all you'll see just how awful an experience was and how it STILL traumatized them to this day whether they realize it or not!!
And frankly it just posses i mean PISSES me off when i hear them lying to themseleves!!

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