Ok, so I have been hearing some rather disturbing rumors about Biden the last couple of weeks. I do not have the time to fact check it but if it is true i am a little alarmed. The first is a possible list of items he may have done in the past that i was saddened by.. opposing gay marriages? trying to get rid of roe vs wade? Voting against protectimg students? Many instances of voting FOR WAR? Wants to get rid of the ss and medicare that the elderly are dependent on? Opposes any green initatives that care about the environment? Votes always in favor of the protection of the corporations over people? In favor of both the death penalty AND mass incarcerations? Ok.. all those by themselves scare the crap out of me, BUT the rumor that realllllyy has me deeply questioning amd concerned about people voting for him is this rumor about dimentia? Amd some of the examples being listed as proof are realllllllllly catching my eye as to how is nobody noticing these things if the examples are actually accurate. Ok yes, i might be severly highly over sensitive to the topic after having had much much direct interaction with at least six different people who are or have suffered with various forms of dementia in various stages of their dementia over the last four years. Plus other cases a little more indirectly. But Two of which greatly impacted both our life and our views about people, life existence, and the vulnerability and vagaries of the human brain.. Its not really the late stages where a person is resetting ever 30 seconds to evry four minutes that are scary and or dangerous bc by then they cant harm really harm anyone.. it is the middle to near early stages that can be the most most dangerous. Bc to the avgerage person, they may seem perfectly normal. BUT, bc of that they can make decisions that are not the best for other people. One person we helped take care of used to be a doctor and bc noone knew at first just how bad his dimentia was, he got away with treating some clients in a not so safe way. When he was caught, even thoigh his family wanted to keep him at home, the insurance company or maybe it was the doctors association said they would charge him unless he was locked away. It was one of the saddest things to see bc at first glance or conversations he seems just like you or I. But this is what alarms me....and this is what i am asking for YOUR OWN PERSONAL OBSERVATIONs about, i want people to share their OWN PERSONAL OBSERTIONS (IF they have actually been studying Biden OVER THE YEARS) to please counter thebMANY examples that random people who i dont have have been providing ...ALL of clips shown by themselves could have been faux pauxs BUT i have also seen people who wwre a lot further along then just the early early stages do suxh kinds of mistakes as well. The first five or six times, i figured it must be some random hoax put out there by some disparaging folks who like to slander peoples names and that it couldnt possibly be real.. and each time i got angry about such an accusation even if i dont happen to like Bidens political views myself. But i didnt like how each instance on its very own seemed lile it was just some random accdiental faux paux which we are prone to do or capable of doing esp if we are very tired amd stressed , or not paying attentiom, or even if we havent eaten well and our blood sugars are low. BY themselves, each of the incidents though startling, they could all be explaijed away.. so it angwred me that people would use these individual instances to put down a persons integrity, even if i am scared by their political views. but people keep putting up more and more of these individual one time "evidences" or "examples" and then people i dont know anything about also start comparing his speech patterns of today to earlier times and a continual seeing of this on different democratic feed is when big red flags start to go up in my eyes..
I admit I am far more inclined to care about such details bc of our wxperiences with people at all stages, BUT i am still really really confused how IF the examples are accurate, how could people in his party not be noticing..or are they noticing but just cant do anything about it now and just keep hoping that noone else will take any of the allegations seriously. BUT IF the allegationns have no truth at all, then it also deeply alarms me that that kind of slander would even be put out there it the first place. Bc its a BIG deal.
So please, if you happen to know of an example please do not quote me somethng you have heard someone else say bc that doesnt help me confirm or unconfirm my fears.
And please on the countwrside, Please please dont just tell me its all hogwash made up bc i wouldnt be on here asking about this if that thought alonewas enough -- bc i alrwady had that thought. and already got angry about the idea of people poating that kind of lie up about anyone!!
What I need is to to know if any friends WITH their OWN personal ears, who actually LISTEN to Biden on a regualr basis, have actually noticed anythig different or off compared to how he spoke say oh maybe five years back.
The examples amd symptoms and details people on interntet have provided so far show that it probaly started ever so subtly about a year or so back in a way which was probanly not noticable at all. BUT I really cant trust what i randomly hear on the internet bc i still think its gotta be some awful kind of disparaging thats been put into motion. So please do NOT just simply provide your own opinion.. that doesnt help me. I need your own obervations, not your opinions.
So please IF you have been listening to Biden over the years and like listenimg to him, and if you have a way of comparing say five years bavk to recent speeches will you peronally either reassure me OR let me know your own personal observations so I dont have to just have what is being placed in my news feeds or internet algorythems, Id really appreciate it? Thank you Biden fans for reassuringme at least on that front. Even if i am going to still be terrified about his views about prochoice, marriages, education, healthcare, war, prisons, corporations, and environment, i would like to have one less thing to be scared about.
But IF others actually have also been noticing it, then people voting need to consider this.. bc if it is true, then even if you domt want healthcare for everyome, or someone who care about the enivornment, or someome who wants peace over war or someone who wants people to matter over corporations, could you at least be doubke sure Biden wont be depemdent on his VP please? Or womt acvidentally lead.our nation to war or detriment on a 'bad day'? Please just double check for me please before you vote away..thats i please ask, please doubke check your own obervations please and please let me know your own obervations... thank you. Much obliged.
1:05 pm Feb no March 4, 2020
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