Friday, November 23, 2018

thankful kiddo not split apart by two parents..thank you ex for that one small gift.

this thanksgiving i was incredibly grateful for something that will probably offend a lot of you but i am going to share it bc its soemthjng that has always gotten to me long before and i feel like being upfront and vocal about it.

 what i was most grateful for was that kiddo did not have to be split between two families. 

 everyday we wake up, even though i wake up with disappointment about the fact that scott is not paying what he agreed to to help us keep our home safe, i am nonetheless grateful that he let kiddo have his wish of letting Eagle have his choice of being with me and not forcing kiddo to have to be split between two parents like i see so many parents do to their kids.  

now i know a LOT of you are divorced and do this but i gotta tell ya, it is one of my greatest sadnesses when i see kids being split like that.  

my most favorite divorced couple still live together so the mom and pop still live under the same roof and they just aren't legally married anymore and have an open relationship but rhe kids have easy access to both their parents always..  

my second fav is a couple who arent divorced at all but who live separately most of the year but who spend holidays together as a family.   

if you are married and thinking of having kids please please please take tons of family communication classes/workshops.. esp ones that help you learn a needs based communication ... at least once a season,   if not once a month.   you dont have to be married to still do life together as a family.

   you dont even have to live together to celebrate as a family.  but.. but if you gotta be a broken family, please please, domt force your kids to be split btween the two of you. let your kids decide when and where they want to be with each parent.  

do NOT make the decision for thrm and do NOT force them to do what rhe court said just because some judge said to do that spilt.  LISTEN to your kids to see when and whwrr THEY want to be with any particular parent.  PLEASE!   

 care for your family but let them be with the parent of their choice.  and dont ever force them to spend time with a family member thry dont like or dont want to be with.. always ask and listen to your kids to where they want to be.  thank you..  

what matters most to me is that kids get to feel a sense of peace and not be suvjected to the hell amd comfusion of being split between two or more families. or of being forced to be with a parent they are not as comfortable with against their will. 

 so even though i am angry at scott for not helping out financially the way he agreed to, I am so so so so so so thankful that kiddo at least can wake up and know that he doesnt have to worry about which weekend is it or whose turn is it to "have him" and he can just wake up and feel safe that this is his home at least until the ex succeeds in sabatoging our access to our home, but for now, kiddo is able to know this is his home, and he can just focus on learning and designng and know that his opinion does indeed matter.

if you think kiddo's opinion also matters and if you have a $12/year to spare then please please send a dollar/month via paypal to or on
www.  thank you : l

if you really want to read the original draft, here it is..
this thanksgiving i was incredibly grateful for something that will probably offend a lot of you but i am going to share it bc its soemthjng that has always gotten to me long before and i feel like being upfront and vocal about it. what i was most grateful for was that kiddo did not have to be split between two families.  everyday we wake up, even though i wake up with disappointment about the fact that scott is not paying what he agreed to to help us keep our home safe, i am nontheless grateful that he let kiddo have his wish of letting Eagle have his choice of being with me and not forcing kiddo to have to be split between two parents like i see so many parents do to their kids.  now i know a LOT of you arw divorced and do this but i gotta tell ya, it is one of my greatest sadnesses when i see kids being split like that.  my most favorite divorced couple still live together so the mom and pop still live under the same roof and they just arent legally married anymore and have an open relationship but rhe kids have easy access to both their parents always..  my second fav is a couple who arent divorced at all but who live seperately most of the year but who spend holidays together as a family.   if you are married and thinking of having kids please please please take tons of family communication classes/workshops.. esp ones that help you learn a needs based communication ... at least once a season,   if not once a month.   you dont have to be married to still do life together as a family.   you dont even have to live together to celebrate as a family.  but please stop being a conduit of a typical brokem family.. but if you gotta be broken please domt force your kids to be split btween the two of you.  care for your family but let them be with the parent of their choice.  and dont ever force them to spend time with a family memeber thry dont like or dont want to be with.. always ask and listen to your kids to where they want to be.  thank you..  and if you disgaree with me, i am ok if you dont want to be friends with me anymore.  what matters most to me is that kids get to feel a sense of peace and not be suvjected to the hell amd comfusion of being split between two or more families. or of being forced to be with a parent they are not as comfortable with against their will.  so even though i am angry at scott for not helping out financially the way he agreed to, I am so so so so so so thankful that kiddo at least can wake up and know that he doesnt have to worry about which weekend is it or whose turn is it to "have him" and he can just wake up and feel safe that this is his home at least until the ex succeeds in sabatoging our access to our home, but for now, kiddo is able to know this is his home, and he can just focus on learning and designng and know that his opinion does indeed matter.

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