Friday, September 14, 2018

The $1 challenge

Do you make more then $100,000 a year?
How about more then $60,000/yr?

If so, I challenge you to do the $1 challenge :

Find 100 people who are struggling or making under $40 a year ... struggling artists on Patreon, Makersupport, GoFund or just maybe someone you met on the street whom you know has a paypal account or some way of receiving money in a monthly fashion from you and send them $1/month for at least three years.

  (And while you are it, plus through word of mouth make sure others know about them as well.)

That one dollar is a way of saying to them that they matter enough to you for you to share at least some 0.001 of what you make with them each month.

Its a psychological way of saying, "you are important enough to me for me to remember you each month"  and send you a monetary part of what helps you function to them each month.

You are enough. And so are they.  Send them that message!

And hey of course, if we could be one of those 100 people you donate to each month, we would be ever so appreciative of it.
Or thru paypal on

Remember the challenge is to find at LEAST 100 individual  people,  100 families AND/OR 100 charities to give $1 or more of yourself to them EACH MONTH.  

AIM to make sure that at least 1% of your income gets distribute out to at least 100 families, 100 charities  AND at least 100 individual people that you specifically know or have met (ie not through taxes that end up who knows where, but 100 people, family/places that you specifically care about
Thank you!

and if you have that list of 100 people/family/places that you want to encourage others to send $1 to, please feel free to put that list in the comments below.   

I know if I had that amount, I would personally find 20 patreon people, 20 gofundme people,
20 individual families i have met, 20 permaculture groups or community groups and 20 environemntal or peace committed groups of such like. 

Aug sept 2018

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